
Christmas/New Year Closing Times - The surgery will be closed for Christmas and New Year on Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th of December and Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd of January. If you need any medical assistance at this time, please contact NHS 24 on 111. Please also order your medication in advance if need be.

Have a lovely Christmas and New Year everyone, Team Ashfield 

Please Note - The links below for accessing the appointment system are unavailable due to a change in service. We do not offer booking appointments online. You can however order you prescriptions either through our surgeries website or through your own patient access log in. Please download the Patient Access app for more details. 

Coronary Heart Disease  (CHD)

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a preventable disease that kills more than 110,000 people in England every year. More than 1.4 million people suffer from angina and 275,000 people have a heart attack annually. CHD is the biggest killer in the country.

British Heart Foundation - What is a heart attack?

There are more videos available on all aspects of BHF and heart disease on the BHF video site

Audio MP3 Downloads

British Heart Foundation Now you can download and listen to podcasts free from the BHF - either on the move or in the comfort of your own home.  Choose from the following list of podcasts, right-click on links of the titles you want, select 'Save Target As' and save to your computer.

A Mother's Story - The realities of life when your child has a heart condition

Controlling Cholesterol - The five best things you can do to lower cholesterol s

Giving Up Smoking - The five best things you can to do give up for good

Risking It   - How do you know if you are at risk of heart disease?

Keeping Your Heart Healthy Top tips on how to exercise and eat for a healthy heart

"The British Heart Foundation is Britain’s leading charity fighting heart and circulatory disease – the UK’s biggest killer. The BHF funds research, education and life-saving equipment and helps heart patients return to a full and active way of life. The charity relies on donations to continue its vital work." 

Useful Links

Bupa - CHD
An excellent resource with useful video, audio, images and references relating to CHD. 

NHS Choices
Further information about symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention of CHD.

British Heart Foundation
Our vision is of a world in which people do not die prematurely of heart disease. We will achieve this through our pioneering research, our vital prevention activity and by ensuring quality care and support for people living with heart disease.

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