Prescription Line - 0141 956 1339, Option 1
We operate a computerised repeat prescription system for regular medications
Requests may be made using the counterfoil from the last repeat prescription in one of the following ways:
- Deliver in person to the surgery
- Send by post with a stamped self-addressed envelope
- Leave your details on our prescription line by calling 0141 956 1339 and selecting Option 1
- Submit your details by following the link above to the secure online form.
If you would like to collect your prescriptions direct from one of the local pharmacies and you have registered with them for this service, please tell us which one you are using. Prescription mandates for the local pharmacies can be found at the chemist of your choice.
*PLEASE NOTE - You must have a mandate signed to allow the surgery to send prescriptions to the chemists*
Please allow 48 hours (2 working days) for your prescription to be processed. The pharmacies may require a further 48 hours to process the medication.